Saturday, November 18, 2006

Welcome to my world

Hey there! Most likely this site will be frequented by people I know, and therefore little introduction is required. If however I make it interesting enough to encourage some visitors I should probably introduce myself.

On the weeb here I refer to myself as Grindy McTinerton the name is a long story but the Grindy part came from the fact that I'm a rollerblader. I'm 28 years old, I'm a dude, I live in Canada and I have way too many freakin' hobbies but here's a few: rollerblading, hockey, paintball, guitar, video games and martial arts.

As for what this Blog is going to be about, well mostly just a bitch session, however I do my best to keep it interesting. I might also drop some cartoons and Flash animations on here too if I can gather up the motivation.

Anyway look forward to seeing you guys again soon.

they're all going to laugh at you!


LosRicos said...

Dood.. does this mean you're gonna just leave your LJ to rot?

Grindy said...

Yes to rot, to rot and hell and die. :)