Friday, January 26, 2007

Wii are kicking ass

Well it's no surprise if you've tried to go to a store and buy a Wii lately that Nintendo is doing quite well with the underdog gaming console. Actually I personally like the quote, "Today, Nintendo release its Q3 earnings report, and as expected, the company is kicking major amounts of ass." (IGN,2007)

All the same it's not all sunshine and roses as yet another article on IGN stated that, "Based on its extensive analysis of the current growth trends in the industry, Research and Markets expects Sony's PlayStation 3 to come out on top in the next-generation console war. " (IGN, 2007) All the same I still think this initial success will definitely drive good things with the Wii. Whereas the Gamecube was an overall commercial flop, the Wii seems to have a lot of support developing for it. I think pretty soon bigger companies will see the err of their ways and jump on the Wii bandwagon. Still I'm taking the stance of cautiously optimistic at the moment and taking a "wait and see" approach overall.

Psst, If you put a lightsaber in my control with a wii-mote I'll sell out like Mark McGrath


LosRicos said...

That article about PS3 being the overall winner? Psht. They probably have ties with Sony. Sounds like it's all opinion and no facts.

Either that, or IGN is a little biased about who it is they would like to see win.

LosRicos said...

Another interesting article. Seems a little less biased than what IGN ever produces.