Post #14Well I was at home sick today which kind of sucks but at least it gave me some quality time on the couch in my bath robe. This is time I probably should've spent lying in bed but instead I opted to sit on the couch in front of the LCD.
That's because the poor souls of Cryodiil were crying out to me. Crying out from beneath the flaming portals of Oblivion. Oblivion is a PC Game from Bethesa Softworks that has some seriously impressive lineage being the sequel to Morrowind a monster of a game in its own right.
Having faced an addiction to Morrowind a few years back I knew what to expect with Oblivion. In no time I had my silver haired, blue-eyed wood elf loaded up with a quiver of arrows and ready to take on the world. First thing you'll notice about this game is that it is gorgeous. It's the prettiest game I've ever played. Trekking across the land of Cryodiil is actually part of the enjoyment in Oblivion, at times I'll just stop and look at the flowers blowing in the breeze. That is of course until a screaming flaming portal to hell opens up in front of you and it gets nasty. The story isn't going revolutionize fantasy stories, the death of an empire, rise of an evil power, all of course to be unravelled by the player, the hero of the story.
So the game looks great, and the story is pretty cool, how does it play? Like butter! The AI is smarter than in Morrowind and my old trick of walking around a rock while pelting an enemy with arrows just doesn't fly any more. However there's nothing like picking off a goblin right between the eyes with an arrow and watch him get knocked over backwards and tumble down a hillside. The physics are well represented and the effects are beautiful. What can I say, love the game and hey it has expansions coming so if I can actually finish this quest (which I never did with Morrowind) I have even more content to look forward too. I recommend you check it out if you got a beast of a PC to run it. It's the game that makes systems cry.
Hey you don't get all that beautiful flowers-blowing-in-breeze for nothing