Strangely enough I actually ordered a Maxim subscription for my wife for Christmas which might seem like one of the worse gift ideas ever but she actually finds mens magazines entertaining. As a bonus I can read them when she's done and they are usually a good throne-read.
I just finished reading an article about bloggers and vloggers. Apparently Maxim wants us to knock it off. I think "Mouth-breather" and "Basement Dweller" are thrown around in there too. I can definitely see their point about "illaterate teenz wit know concep of gramer" but they do seem to go on quite a tirade. It definitely paints bloggers with pretty broad brush strokes as a uniform, teeming mass of self-important glory hounds.
Personally I'd argue "If you don't like it fuck off." Really if you want to go out there and find the bleating melodramatic douche bags you can easily find them. Either way I think I'll keep blogging on the off chance someone randomly stumbles on my blog and thinks something I say is remotely interesting... or tells me I suck and should die... that's cool too.
Maxim also printed a rollerblader joke so that really got my ire up
You suck and should die. I"m only saying that because I want to be cool. ;)
I love your blog, what you say is so interesting... TheRich, you suck and you should die.
Two birds, one stone. Boo-ya!
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