Friday, August 24, 2007
One last good spin around the sun
It’s interesting that they say you’re only as old as you feel. It gives you the belief that by trying to be energetic and healthy you’ll somehow avoid getting older. Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. You can throw on the baggy jeans, play the music too loud and go out on the weekends and drink your face off but that little voice in the back of your head when you were 19 is now the booming loudspeaker of adulthood.
I’ve often felt immature for my age but I think deep down I’ve always put on the front of immaturity with the knowledge that very soon I’d have to put away my toys and be a big boy. Where did the time go? I wanted to go rollerblading this weekend but looks like renovation-mania will continue.
…besides I get sore knees and my back just kills me, someone get me my walker
Monday, August 20, 2007
Handy man beotch
I did figure out how to fix it but it took a while and I was up to my elbow in black grease also and the first time I ran the door the encoder wasn't in place and the opener almost snapped the rail. With that under my belt I also replaced all the switches and outlets in the kitchen and replaced a faulty lamp socket. When it was all said and done... work sucks.
But at least I'm not Canada's worse handyman.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Look who got gussied up!

Well I was enjoying a little down time on the holiday Monday whilst the wife and extended family visited St. Jacobs so I figured I'd give my weapon of mass destruction a cleaning. My paintball gun is one of my prize posessions. Purchased at a steal of a hundred bucks I always enjoy anihilating kids with their thousand dollar guns (gifts from Mommy) with it. I hadn't cleaned it since my last outing so I figured I'd strip it down and clean it up. Don't know if I've ever posted a pic of it before so here she is :)
I've also been watching the Sopranos Season 2 all weekend so I loaded my paintball gun up with ball bearings and shot the old bitch next door.
She had it coming
Sunday, August 5, 2007
You are feeling very sleepy

Taking the GT-R badge off my Tiburon was probably the most major "Upgrade" it'll ever receive. That's unfortunate but that's the lot in life for a "responsible adult." All the same I find it fun to see what other people are doing to their Tiburons. Some time's it's horrid, other times it's a-very cool. One example is the Chadoffl's Tiburon featured on Next Generation Motorsports. NGM makes tuner parts for the Tiburon that can turn the pretty "chick car" into a monster. Chadoff's car (pictured here) to me is a perfect example of tuning done right. Under the hood there's a 379HP Super-charged version of the stock 2.7Litre V6 engine. On the exterior there isn't a damn difference between it and a stock Tiburon. Therein lies the beauty this thing is the ultimate sleeper car. If you're out for a grocery run the man won't pay any attention to your "stock" commuter car, however when that punk in the Civic tries to pass you on the right you can leave him in a bewildered state of disbelief.
For constrast, here's a Tiburon done wrong