Well being a huge nerd and long time gamer it’s no surprise that I occasionally like to “Git ma game on” in the first person shooter genre. Unfortunately my lackluster PC limits what I can and cannot play. Also, if you don’t have the hardware to run it, purchasing PC games seems a little silly. Fortunately there’s F.E.A.R Combat! F.E.A.R Combat is simultaneously graphically beautiful yet with modest minimal requirements. Also at the price tag of absofreakinglootly free dollars it’s a heck of a steal. You read that right, while the F.E.A.R Single Player game is a regular off-the-shelf box, the multiplayer option can be downloaded directly from their website.
Every Tuesday night at 8 I meet up with our IT department online for a romp through the offices and factories of F.E.A.R’s varied maps, with my penetrator in hand. This is probably the part of the game I love the most, a large machine gun that fires 9” metal spikes. This thing makes your regular nail gun in other shooters look like a straw full of spitballs. The really enjoyable part of this weapon is that the rag-doll physics in the game are well highlighted when using this particular weapon. Hit an enemy in the right shoulder and his body will spin away from you, catch him in mid-jump and he’ll be tug backwards as if pulled by a string. The best is if you hit someone out of mid air while they are near a wall. You’ll actually pin them to the wall like some kind of sick effigy to taunt your opponents.
All-in-all an awesome game, I just can’t wait to see it on my new system… whenever I finish building it :-/
I penetrate the IT Manager weekly
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