My childhood Christmas was seriously Norman Rockwell type shit. The family would bundle up and walk through snow-covered forests to cut down our very own Christmas tree. The house would be decorated completely 2 weeks before. Christmas Day would find us at Grandma's with the whole family enjoying a roasted turkey baked in an old-fashion wood stove. Hot Chocolate with Marshmellows, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and plenty of presents and merriment.
These days I don't get in the spirit quite as easily. With the crushing workload at the office, the shittacular weather and the overall super-fast pace of life I just don't find I get in the Christmas spirit like I used to. However I'm definitely feeling it now :).
I just finished putting up my Christmas tree, with my little Crystal Christmas Tree ornament that I've hung on the tree since I was tall enough to reach the lowest branches which always touches that little kid in me. Plus now I'm rocking out to "A Twisted Christmas" by Twisted Sister, which - while terribly goofy - can't help but put you in the Christmas spirit.
Tomorrow I'm going to hit the church, slap back some Egg-Nog, watch super-sappy Christmas Specials and wait for Santie Claus to show up Monday morning. I hope all of you out there (even though you don't read my blog) have an awesome Christmas and a great New Year, filled with Alley-Oop grinds, high-speed run-thrus, numerous frags, V6 engines and good friends :)
... and though it's been said, many times, many ways, Merry Christmas to you.
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