I've never been one for crime shows. Generally when people start talking about "Law and Order" or "CSI: Salt Lake City" a pre-emptive globule of drool starts to form in the corner of my mouth and my eyes roll back in my head. Needless to say courtroom and cop shows don't really do it for me. However, I am a complete hypocrit because Dexter is officially my favourite show. Heroes is also an awesome show as well but lets face it, superhero shows aren't that uncommon. They're usually done poorly but there's been a few of them. Dexter on the other hand I've never seen another show I could compare it to. How often do you run into a main character who is simultaneously a crime scene blood-spatter expert and a serial killer? The show examines everything from Dexter's perspective, which is unique as he deams himself to be devoid of emotions. Still based on his strong moral code given to him by his foster father he continues to the "Right thing." Although at times the "Right thing" might involve chopping up a couple of human trafficers and dropping their dismembered corpses to the bottom of the ocean. The show is clever, fast-paced, witty and darkly comedic.
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