Monday, December 4, 2006

Nothing says fun like Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

So in the midst of the insanity that is the mall at Christmas time I actually managed to have some hands on time with the Nintendo Wii. Whilst the wife was looking in an accessories store for various items of cuteness for my little niece I handed in my license at the desk at EB Games to get my Wii-Mote.

The current game up for testing was the arcade racer, “Excite Truck”. I must have looked like an absolute retard attempting to turn the Wii-mote in a way to get it to make sense as a controller for the game. At first I pointed it like a magic wand and I kept driving in circles. Then I tilted it right and left to no avail. Once I figured out you had to place it perpendicular to the screen I was getting somewhere. I then found the "Gas" key and away I went, at first it seemed a little awkward as I determined I had to lean the stick away from the turn to complete it. I guess the EB Games guy had just about enough of my stupidity and informed me, "Sir, you’re holding the controller backward."

Thoroughly mortified I flipped the controller around and now I was really away to the races. I was flying over hills, whipping around hair pin turns and all around getting my race on. If I said that this wasn’t as fun as all hell I’d be lying. I could so see someone like my Dad being able to play this game, and my dad is still intimidated by our VCR from the 80s. I gotta say the horsepower of the Nintendo Wii is underwhelming at best as my old clunker of a computer could still kick the ever-living crap out if it graphics-wise. I don’t think I’ll be running out any time soon to grab one of these but I think Nintendo did something very smart with this system.

I played with my wii in public

1 comment:

LosRicos said...

I personally couldn't care less about a change in the graphics capability. Graphics have taken the place of innovative gameplay. Given the pricetag difference of the Wii, and the fact that the gameplay is completely unique, I'd say that it's definitely worth the price. Plus, the inclusion of Wii jokes.