Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Rollerbladers cannot live on bread alone... or at all

Personal Challenge
A post-a-day for two weeks! Why? Well watching my wife work the interweb and pull in a pretty good size audience and in a fraction of the time I’ve been blogging, I got “Teh Jealousy” for sure. So here it goes! 14 posts in 14 days! Can he do it!

Post #1
For those of you who don’t rollerblade (pretty much all of you) this probably doesn’t mean much. To me, it’s an omen of things to call, or a foreshadowing of disaster. Rollerblading has been on life support for a while now. Back in 2005 we were kicked out of the X-Games in favor of such BS as Rally Racing (extreme sport?) Things were getting bad, ASA (Aggressive Skating Association) events were no longer being broadcast, and a lot of major aggressive vendors closed up shop. The biggest probably being Fiziks, at the time the only suspension frame on the market. Since then a couple of new brands (mostly making wheels… big whoop) have sprung up, but none that would really spark a revitalizing of the industry. Daily Bread, the foremost rollerblading magazine in North America, once the publication which all rollerbladers looked to to tie us all together kept getting smaller and smaller. Less sponsorship and advertiser money was blamed for the trimming down of the magazine. Bad has gone from worse as Daily Bread no longer exists. Shelves at bookstores across the land add yet another skateboarding leghumpers, or scrapbooking quarterly in its place. No one will ever walk by and go, “You can do that on rollerblades?” No one will ever think, “I wanna be that guy.” Right now rollerblading is dying, and it’s going out with a whisper not a bang. BE-Mag, based out of Austria is the last voice left for the remnants of a dying society. Do I think rollerblading will die? Yes. Do I think it will live again? Yes. However, I foresee a time in the future when a handful of die-hards retake the respect of the media, organize and force the world to notice. When that happens I’ll be the old dood at the skate park saying, “Fuck yeah, back before rollerblading was cool I could do 540s and Kind Grinds.” Then when asked to prove it I’ll have to cite back pains or arthritis as an excuse.

If you can’t give us this day Our Daily Bread, maybe give us one a few years from now.

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