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Taking the GT-R badge off my Tiburon was probably the most major "Upgrade" it'll ever receive. That's unfortunate but that's the lot in life for a "responsible adult." All the same I find it fun to see what other people are doing to their Tiburons. Some time's it's horrid, other times it's a-very cool. One example is the Chadoffl's Tiburon featured on Next Generation Motorsports. NGM makes tuner parts for the Tiburon that can turn the pretty "chick car" into a monster. Chadoff's car (pictured here) to me is a perfect example of tuning done right. Under the hood there's a 379HP Super-charged version of the stock 2.7Litre V6 engine. On the exterior there isn't a damn difference between it and a stock Tiburon. Therein lies the beauty this thing is the ultimate sleeper car. If you're out for a grocery run the man won't pay any attention to your "stock" commuter car, however when that punk in the Civic tries to pass you on the right you can leave him in a bewildered state of disbelief.
For constrast, here's a Tiburon done wrong
Well well well. I do recall telling the Penguins fans that if they were expecting an Ottawa Senators marquee "Choke" they might be surprised. Little did I know that Ottawa would not only outplay Pittsburgh but would in fact destroy them. Our defense were stifling, the forecheck was devastating and second and third string players were lighting up the scoreboard. The game was riddled with penalties and I'll admit the Crosby goal could've been allowed, but in the end I don't think any of it would've mattered. The Senators came out with something to proove and they proved it. We're not going to lay down and take it. Saturday's game should be interesting and I think Pittsburgh will bounce back but I think it would only take a first period push by Ottawa to really unnerve these kids. All-in-all I couldn't have expected much better in an opening game. Great jobs sens. Go deep!
We have only begun to fight
Damnit I knew I forgot something!
Well I was off all day yesterday due to illness but decided today I was going drag myself into the office come hell or highwater. There’s a long weekend coming up and I thought it’d be uber suspicious for me to be taking two days off sick during a 4 day work week. Actually when I woke up this morning I felt pretty good. I brushed my teeth, used a little mouthwash, popped a Strepsil and a couple of Tylenol Cold & Sinus. I felt a lot better than yesterday and thought I could face the day. The drive was pretty easy and my head was feeling clear so I thought I was finally out of the woods.
Then I tried to talk. Tried being the operative word. I tried to say “Good morning” to a coworker upon arrival in the office and it kind of came out like “Kroaknin.” I mustered a raspy “Morning” after a couple of attempts. It’s continued like that pretty much all morning so far my voice coming and going and breaking up in awkward honks and croaks. I’m glad I don’t feel as bad as yesterday but it still makes it really difficult to do my job. Best of all I have a customer meeting in the afternoon where I’ll have to talk for a solid hour. Looks like another early night tonight with some more Vicks Vaporub and soup.
Post #4
I don’t talk about my job on here very often. Or at all for that matter. It could be because I’ve always feared my business life getting a glimpse at my non-business life. Perhaps that or I’m occupationally geeky, which doesn’t lend itself well to the image of “Hardcore Rollerblading Guy” or “Vicious Speedball Player.” However, unlike those two things I’m actually really good at my Job. I’m in “Technical Sales” and coming up on year end I’m looking at matching or exceeding an already stellar Freshman year in my role (Sophomore Jinx my ass.) Also, it seems that I’m likely going to be doing my first complete doubling of a sales quarter. What does that mean? 200% Commission, and a guaranteed get-out-of-jail free ticket for at least another 3 months with my boss. Sales might get a bad wrap, but I’ll be damned if the perks aren’t great when things are going well. Well I gotta go I’m leaving work an hour early because I feel like it.
Now if I could just get my hair a little greasier
Now I do enjoy a good nipple hard on but I found the placement of this one all wrong. Like I realize that there are a lot of Fashion Models out there that have the imfamous "Upturned" boob which actually places the nipple rather high but this would be some kind of record. I submit for your approval Exhibit B.
I think this is actually an optical illusion caused by a strange folding of the plaintiff's dress. I would submit that like most Asian women she is indeed wearing "The Armor" a.k.a. the dreaded padded bra.
I like to draw arrows to things in Paintbrush